
Kite Runner Through the Feminist Theory: Blog 4 assignment

When I read the Kite Runner through the feminist lens I realized that I had to think more and try to understand the text in a whole different way because I am a man and I don't know what women go through. Women in the Kite Runner are treated with no respect and have no rights. Only in America, the reader can see the difference between Afghan women and American women. when I have finished the novel I understood that men where appearing superior in the text both in Afghanistan and America. Secondly, the novel is riddled with gender inequality, and lastly, there is a lot of gender stereotypes throughout the book for both men and women. Superior Sex: In the novel, it is very evident that men are seen as the superior sex. Women throughout the novel are seen as lesser beings and are treated with no respect. If you take a deeper look into the text you will also realize that all the main characters are men."I cringed a little at the position of power I'd been granted. And all beca

Kite Runner Through the Feminist Lens

   Feminism in the Kite Runner: The Kite Runner was a book placed in Afghanistan, which is a place where you don't see a lot of women having a voice or even Freedom. Khaled Hosseini does a great job of showing what women in Afghanistan must act like and how women from America a voice. Women in Afghanistan: In Afghanistan, women are treated as mear objects who can't say or do anything without their dad or husband telling them to. It is sad to say that most men in Afghanistan are disgusting for the fact that they treat women so badly. One woman that has to follow these outrages rules is Farzana. "She was a shy women, co courteous she in a voice barely higher then a whisper and she did not raise her pretty hazel eyes to meet my glaze" (Hosseini 205). What this quote illustrates is that Farzana doesn't have the freedom of speech which everyone is supposed to have, this quote also shows how women are subroutines to men and how Farzana is a typical Afghanistan woman. Wo

Kite Runner: Archetypal Perspective

Archetype theory can be applied to every text, but in the Kite Runner, it is more evident than ever through the archetype of outcast and crossroads. Outcast: Outcast is someone that feels alone even though they have people all around them. We can see Amir going through this with his dad in the beginning, Around Hassan, and the most important time would be when he was an outcast in his own country. Amir was an outcast in his own house since the day he was born, but being an outcast in your country is a hard thing to be. Amir stated, " I feel like a terrorist in my own country"(Hosseini 231). What Amir means when he said this was that he feels like an outcast because he was blindsided to a whole different side of Afganistan. An outcast can be anyone in the world but Amir has felt like one for his whole life.      Crossroad: In the Kite Runner, all of the characters have gone through a crossroad at least one time in their lives. Some characters like Amir and Baba have more cross

Reader Response : Kite Runner

The Kite Runner  The Kite Runner is an amazing novel and I would suggest it to everybody. While I was reading the novel it made me make a lot of connections from my prior knowledge to what was happening in the text. Even though I haven't been to Afghanistan I can still relate to this book because of Amir's relationship with his father, through the caste system and lastly Amir and Hassan's relationship. Amir And Baba  Amir and Baba's relationship reminded me of my relationship with my father since we didn't always like each other. Amir stated "I wished I too hard some scar that would beget Baba's sympathy. It wasn't fair. Hassan hadn't done anything to earn Baba's affection; He'd just been born with that stupid harelip"(Hosseini 46). I felt this quote deeply since I had a brother growing up too and we did everything together but my dad was always more proud of my older brother since he had a learning disability but had better grades than

Adnan Syed Innocence ...

                                                                                               Who is Adnan Syed? Adnan Syed is trending right now for one thing only and that is if he is innocent or not. If you dint know about this case I would suggest you check the serial podcast or watch this short video to explain a little about his story. Why is Adnan Innocent?  Well, there are a lot of factors that have to be taken into place. For starters, we can talk about Adnan's lawyer. The lawyer on Adnan's case was Cristina Gutierrez who was pretty a good lawyer but messed but his case pretty bad. The next reason is the DNA and lastly, I feel that he is innocent because he still is trying to fight for his freedom to this day.    The Lawyer    Cristina the lawyer had made some big mistakes while on the case. Cristina had missed some major alibies that maybe could have saved Adnan from going to jail. Asia

Serial Podcast

I just listened to the Serial Podcast and my first impression is that I am Infatuated by it! To me, it seems that the people over at Serial know what they are doing since it's my first time listening to an  investigative journalism podcast and I am completely hooked. The music made me feel like I was in a theater and the story itself was beautifully written. I would definitely prefer this over reading because something about it makes me seem more engaged and more interested in the story.  I can't remember what I hade for breakfast half the time, so if I am told to recite any details of my day I feel I can only say a few things this is also why I think that the story was a little twisted and wrong because it is very hard to remember things.

Should grade 12 University level English be a requirement for entry into all university programs?

I feel that Grade 12 University English should be necessary for university for the simple fact that English is everywhere around us. If I was trying to be an accountant then I need to be able to understand people and communicate my ideas clearly and thoroughly so that my clients don't get confused and I don't get confused. it's not just accounting but in almost every field you go into there will be people you have to talk to and understand what they are saying and if you don't have the ability to communicate and understand people you will most likely fail.