Kite Runner Through the Feminist Lens


Feminism hasn't sold out even if it's being used as a marketing tool

Feminism in the Kite Runner:

The Kite Runner was a book placed in Afghanistan, which is a place where you don't see a lot of women having a voice or even Freedom. Khaled Hosseini does a great job of showing what women in Afghanistan must act like and how women from America a voice.

Women in Afghanistan:

Afghanistan - Wikipedia

In Afghanistan, women are treated as mear objects who can't say or do anything without their dad or husband telling them to. It is sad to say that most men in Afghanistan are disgusting for the fact that they treat women so badly. One woman that has to follow these outrages rules is Farzana. "She was a shy women, co courteous she in a voice barely higher then a whisper and she did not raise her pretty hazel eyes to meet my glaze" (Hosseini 205). What this quote illustrates is that Farzana doesn't have the freedom of speech which everyone is supposed to have, this quote also shows how women are subroutines to men and how Farzana is a typical Afghanistan woman.

Women in America: 

In America, everything is not perfect for women since they still deal with harassment, rape, and a salary gap but women still do have a voice unlike women in Afghanistan. Soraya is a woman who was raised in America, so she knows a thing or two about equality and how everyone is supposed to be equal.'' Successful,'' Soraya hissed.''At least I'm not like him, sitting around while other people fight the Shorawi, waiting for when the dust settles so he can move in and reclaim his posh little government position. Teaching may not pay much, but it's what I want to do! It's what I love, and it's a whole lot better than collecting welfare, by the way.''(Hosseini 182). Soraya is being the opposite of an Afghan wife in the quote since she is being strong, intelligent, and moral women. Soraya doesn't want to be a housewife and stay at home all day instead, she wants to inspire a new generation of kids to be strong and fight for there beliefs like she did.

Soraya The Kite Runner Redemption


In conclusion, The Kite Runner can be interpreted in a lot of ways but reading through the lens of the feminist theory shows the reader that there are women in this world that can't always be happy or even talk to someone without permission of a man. It is sad to say that this is still happening today whether it be in America or Saudi Arabia. Women have rights to and they deserve more then what they are given credit to. 

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